Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P09094 1.159 17.887 3.96e-165.38e-165.05e-16 0.013 -17.62 No
P07520 3.348 11.145 7.46e-138.05e-137.08e-13 0.379 -15.59 No
P08894 3.977 14.959 7.13e-145.07e-142.92e-14 0.017 -17.28 No
P06703 4.339 21.344 2.08e-092.06e-091.46e-09 0.123 -16.92 Light Curve
P11923 6.839 30.174 3.98e-112.36e-111.16e-11 0.185 -16.05 No
P00244 7.278 23.744 6.34e-163.19e-161.39e-16 0.034 -16.83 No
P08434 11.250 16.664 1.04e-151.16e-159.59e-16 0.014 -16.46 No
P09679 12.985 22.465 4.10e-162.05e-168.98e-17 0.014 -16.13 No
P08076 13.441 22.301 5.46e-132.98e-131.44e-13 0.012 -16.08 No
P05169 15.078 20.132 2.42e-171.58e-178.51e-18 0.014 -15.91 No
P06939 15.807 36.863 1.34e-106.77e-113.03e-11 0.129 -14.71 No
P11335 15.923 21.059 3.20e-162.72e-161.85e-16 0.004 -15.79 No
P02892 17.349 27.779 2.82e-143.64e-143.68e-14 0.121 -15.11 No
P08536 19.475 33.637 2.76e-131.43e-136.41e-14 0.533 -11.68 No
P03409 20.920 16.121 2.23e-121.31e-126.59e-13 0.043 -14.89 No
P10073 22.709 33.254 9.68e-136.44e-133.31e-13 0.042 -14.28 No
P05387 23.505 25.715 2.65e-142.23e-141.46e-14 0.021 -14.41 Light Curve
P07028 24.789 22.565 1.42e-131.07e-136.58e-14 0.035 -14.27 Light Curve
P04351 29.521 23.067 1.04e-151.32e-151.16e-15 0.016 -13.31 No
P09656 29.425 27.031 1.03e-141.32e-141.26e-14 0.066 -13.18 No
P07107 32.473 24.454 2.74e-153.48e-153.18e-15 0.031 -12.66 No
P00887 33.686 23.664 1.60e-139.31e-144.92e-14 0.013 -12.42 No
P01037 35.645 29.862 2.16e-132.95e-132.94e-13 0.376 -10.48 No
P03517 36.103 15.678 3.31e-123.03e-122.23e-12 0.345 -10.38 No
P10647 37.630 26.657 9.06e-135.80e-132.95e-13 0.036 -11.50 No
P07133 38.388 33.507 2.19e-171.77e-171.06e-17 0.035 -11.39 No
P03520 38.554 19.317 1.40e-117.80e-123.95e-12 0.082 -11.05 No
P00724 38.515 25.688 3.23e-152.68e-151.80e-15 0.008 -11.29 No
P04617 39.017 20.435 3.10e-111.72e-119.11e-12 0.150 -10.74 No
P04218 40.957 36.313 3.12e-122.05e-121.20e-12 0.091 -10.64 No

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)